Medical deductions are allowed on your personal income tax return so long as the amount is in excess of a percentage (10%) of your adjusted gross income (federal form 1040 page 1) For most individuals total expenses for medical ( doctors, eyewear, hospital, therapy, drugs and other health related items) may not be deductible because… Read More

Tax tidbits for year end planning Try to add to your 401(k) plan.   If you are 5o or over the limit is $24,000. Add to your IRA (Individual Retirement Account). The limit is based upon age and income. Below age 50 the limit is $5,500. If your over 50 or over it is $6,500.. Does… Read More

Business Valuation Services – Ultimate uses Selling or buying a business is only one purpose for a valuation. Others include estate taxes, salary determination, bankruptcy, divorce and an annual valuation for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan and valuing corporate stock options. Increasingly, owners are requesting valuations simply to get an idea of what their business… Read More

1    THINKING IT IS TOO LATE TO PLAN. Never too late even after a senior moved to a nursing home. 2     GIVING AWAY ASSETS TOO EARLY. First it’s your money (or your house or both). Make sure sure you take care of yourself first. Don’t put your security at risk by putting it… Read More

Many people prepare for what will happen to their assets after they’re gone, yet not nearly as many people prepare for what would happen to their assets if they become physically or mentally incapacitated. If you were to become incapacitated and stopped paying your health insurance and/ or your disability insurance, you could quickly be… Read More

Years ago when I was a college student, I took a course called ” Communication”. I did realize how important the concept of communication was until I started my practise. This blog on my website will allow me to introduce a concept regarding taxes, financial planning or a business concept. It will also allow me… Read More